I just came across this website about homeschooling and it reminded me about all the great reasons to do it. Some days I get discouraged trying to take care of an infant, a busy schedule which includes church, MOPS, play dates, field trips, errands, meal-planning/meal-making, picking up/cleaning/organizing, bill-paying, gift-buying/card-writing, tutoring, etc., all while homeschooling my 5-year-old and 4-year-old--imagine that! I forget that I am giving them so much more attention than they would be receiving in a traditional school setting and that they are learning valuable socialization (yes, the "S" word!) skills and lessons from real life every single day. So even our "worst" day isn't all that bad...it's actually great! So check it out if you get a chance. I was reading from the section called "Common Homeschooling Myths Dispelled."
Hi! Thanks for sharing the link. I enjoy checking out different sites and gathering information.